eIDAS certified advanced electronic signature

What does the french law say about electronic signatures?
French decree No. 2017-1416 of September 28, 2017 relating to electronic signatures aligned French law with the European eIDAS regulation of July 23, 2014.
In this sense, it is taken in application of article 1367 of the french Civil Code, which makes the electronic signature enforceable.
This article establishes a presumption of reliability for qualified electronic signatures. However, it recognizes the probative nature of electronic signatures, and has been doing so since french law No. 2000-230 of 13 March 2000 (former article 1316-4 of the Civil Code).
Subsequently, the french decree on the dematerialization of registers, minutes, and decisions of companies of October 31, 2019 specifically fixed the case of minutes. Learn more about the legal regime for electronic signatures. The legal regime for electronic signatures.
Forget the paperwork and gain in efficiency!
Discover the many advantages of the Axiocap advanced electronic signature.
1. Fast and easy to use signature
Get rid of tedious paper signatures!
Select the document from the safe and send it for digital signature to pre-registered beneficiaries.
2. Automatically compiled registers
Thanks to an intelligent platform!
When you sign a document, it is automatically filed in the corresponding register.
3. Conformity of the signature
Legal and secure electronic signature
Advanced electronic signature in accordance with the dematerialization decree of October 31, 2019. eIDAS certified electronic signature.
4. Real-time signature tracking
With an intuitive interface
The agent has a real-time signature progress table, with automatic reminders and receipt of the signed document by email.
5. Organize a “pool of signers”
More productivity!
All signatories are listed on the solution and classified by customer file.
6. Proof file available
In compliance with the french law
The mandatary automatically receives the electronic signature proof file by email.
Process of signature 100% online
With the advanced electronic signature offered by Axiocap, sign all types of documents (mission letter, general conditions, minutes, statutes, etc.).
After having signed your documents electronically, they are automatically moved to the corresponding register or folder and then stored in an intelligent digital safe secured to CCFN standards.
With our online electronic signature, you improve your productivity and archive your legal documents securely!

how Does it work?
Verify that the document to be signed is complete and contains all the necessary information.
Select signers via their email or the repository.
Place and assign signature fields in the document.
Email the document for electronic signature.
Follow the status of signatures on Axiocap.
Send reminders if needed.
Once signed by everyone, the document will be available on Axiocap and you will receive a copy by email.
Your documents are secured in a digital safe, accessible at any time.
Configurable dataroom, collaborate easily on all your dematerialized documents and records.