The dematerialized registers of deliberations and decisions

Unique identifier for each register
Tous les registres des décisions (Président, Associé unique...)
Registres de présence
Identifiant unique pour chaque registre
Automatic generation of the report
Advanced electronic signature
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visual register of dematerialized deliberations and decisions”
icon “What does the law say about dematerialized records of deliberations and decisions?”


Decree No. 2019-1118 of October 31, 2019, relating to the dematerialization of registers, minutes and decisions of companies and the accounting records of certain traders has allowed real progress for companies.

Assembly records must be kept for a minimum of 6 years and it is strongly recommended that they be archived in a sustainable manner to keep legal proof in case of a later dispute.

All decisions taken by company bodies must be compiled in the register in chronological order. Learn more about the decision register.

Grâce à l'horodatage, les registres dématérialisés sur Axiocap suppriment la nécessité de la cote et du paraphe du greffe, garantissant une validité légale totale et une sécurité renforcée.

Sur Axiocap, les registres des délibérations et des décisions ont la même valeur juridique que des registres papier.
 Triangle décoratif page registre des délibérations et des décisions axiocap
 Triangle décoratif page registre des délibérations et des décisions axiocap Triangle décoratif page registre des délibérations et des décisions axiocap

how Does it work?


Import The minutes in the safe

Import The meeting minutes in the safe

Automatically sign your minutes and reports with advanced electronic signature

Reprise des historiques


Export records of deliberations and decisions


Preserve your online records in a sustainable way in our highly secure digital safe


History of the evidence

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 Triangle décoratif page registre des délibérations et des décisions axiocap Triangle décoratif page registre des délibérations et des décisions axiocap

Your dematerialized register of deliberations and decisions

You improve your productivity and save money!
The new features of the product
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All records of deliberations and decisions

General Assembly, Board of Directors, Supervisory Board, Management Board, Decision of the sole shareholder.

Each register has a unique identifier

Signature workflow

History of the evidence

Compliant and of full legal value

The dematerialized registers of deliberations and decisions

The essential features of the product

All types of meetings

Dematerialized report

All board meetings

Invitation by email opposable

Automatic generation of the attendance sheet

Electronic voting with 2FA authentication

Voting rights adjusted to detentions

Unlimited movements

onwards10€HT/year and per company
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The legislation mentioned falls exclusively under French law. 🇫🇷