Online title management, dematerialized register of movements of titles

Make your stock movements online
Generate pre-filled movement orders and Cerfa
Export the online register in 1 click
Keep unlisted securities in duplicate (secure custodian)
Dynamic capitalization table
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Online title management and register of dematerialized title movements
title management logo “what does the law say?”

What does the law say about the register of dematerialized movements of securities?

Every company is required to keep a record of movements of securities in accordance with thearticle L228-1 al 6 of the Commercial Code.

Decree No. 2018-1226 of December 24, 2018 allows the use of a shared electronic recording device for the representation and transmission of financial securities.

Each online security movement is recorded permanently and has an imprint on the Infoblockchain, verifiable at any time, find out more.

This registration confers the same legal value as an entry on a paper register.

how Does it work?


Intuitive view of the dematerialized title movement register

Shareholder account automatically updated

Capitalization table - Capital graph of the group of companies

Dividend payment and fundraising simulator


Add all possible movements of shares (transfer, issue, pledge, loan, etc...)

Add all related legal documentation (acts, contracts, formalities,...)

Add or remove security holders


PDF export of shareholder accounts

PDF export of the register of movements of securities recorded on blockchain

Export of movement certificates

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The blockchain in the legal department

Axiocap operates a private blockchain, taking advantage of the advantages in terms of evidence and legal enforceability of blockchain technology, while respecting the security and confidentiality standards of the traditional economic world.

Your dematerialized register of movements of securities

Simplify, secure, and optimize your securities management with Axiocap.
The new features of the product

Certification, legal evidence enforceable in court

Dynamic capitalization table

Vesting management

Consistency check at the title level

Organizational charts of holding companies/subsidiaries

Fundraising and dividend payment simulator

Certificate representing shares


Securities creation tool

Management & Register of movements of securities

Automatic movement order and Cerfa

Publishing shareholders' accounts

Blockchain anchoring

Securities creation tool

Unlimited movements

onwards10€HT/year and per company
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illustration “learn more about how securities management works”
The legislation mentioned falls exclusively under French law. 🇫🇷