Lawyers - Consulting firms - Formalists

Dematerialize the management of your customers' titles and legal registers!

Increase security and confidentiality with the dematerialization of legal formalities (legal registers, movements of shares, meetings, etc.)

Make the legal requirement to keep records a commercial asset for your firm.
Découvrez les avantages pour les Lawyers - Consulting firms - Formalists
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Your practice in the digital age

Increase efficiency

  • Register of movements of securities
  • Records of deliberations and decisions
  • Social registers
  • Etc

Fast and easy

  • Electronic invitations (ERE/LRE)
  • Electronic voting with double authentication
  • Automated attendance sheet editing
  • Dematerialized report and electronic signature

Preserve and secure

  • Optimizing collaborative document storage
  • Secure digital archiving of records and data
  • Tax and regulatory compliance ensured
  • No risk of loss over time

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Avantages pour les Lawyers - Consulting firms - Formalists.

Boost your performance in a new collaborative space: efficiency, security, profitability, dynamic image guaranteed.

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1. Time and productivity savings

No more tedious drafting of legal documents! Discover a simple and intelligent management solution: leave more room for advice and tasks with high added value.

2. Adopt a modern and dynamic image

Modernize the image of your business with your customers by using Axiocap. Through an innovative, fluid and intuitive solution.

3. facilitate your exchanges with your customers

Thanks to a collaborative platform.
Unlimited number of users and administrators (internal or external to the firm), with configurable access rights.

4. Make your turnover grow

By passing on the Axiocap subscription to your customers. Position yourself in an advisory role and make compliance a real commercial asset for your firm.

Les fonctionnalités dédiées aux Lawyers - Consulting firms - Formalists

Gestion des titres et des parts sociales

Dématérialisez facilement la gestion de vos mouvements !

Assemblée en ligne et réunions

Gérez intuitivement toutes les assemblées et autres réunions 100% en ligne !

Registre unique du personnel

Optez pour un registre unique du personnel dématérialisé : gestion simplifiée et conservation optimisée !

Registre des délibérations et des décisions

Dématérialisez facilement la gestion de votre registre suite à vos assemblées, conseils et autres réunions !

Customized migration

We support you in the transition from paper to dematerialization, for a smooth and hassle-free transition.

Discover our tailor-made migration offer, designed to offer you optimal flexibility! You decide what you want to migrate: whether it is all or part of your data such as companies, partners, stock movements or registers. In addition, you choose the period you want to include in the migration, whether it is the last 3 years or since the establishment of the company.

Free yourself from constraints and gain efficiency with our customized migration solution.

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Your documents are safe

collaborative safe

Secured to CCFN standards

Your data and documents are automatically archived in a smart digital safe.
A true customizable data room, collaborate with several hands on all your documents!

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Questions fréquentes des Lawyers - Consulting firms - Formalists

Can a company organization chart be generated on Axiocap?

Yes, our solution allows you to automatically and dynamically generate an organization chart of all your companies. You can also export it according to your needs.

How does the reversibility of the data take place?

Axiocap applies the key principles of the GDPR. Thus, the reversibility of the data can be carried out following a request made by the customer and sent to the Support team. All the data of the companies concerned are then returned in a usable format and sent to the customer.

I am a trusted third party and/or mandatary (lawyer, chartered accountant, etc.) and I act in the place and on behalf of the issuer, my client wants to directly take back control of the management of the register: Is it possible? How to do it?

Yes, it is possible, several options:

  • The first: the customer wants to take back control exclusively. In this case, the trusted third party agent (accountants, lawyers, etc.) must restore access to the solution to its client. The latter must continue the contract with Axiocap in order to have a personalized account. If the customer wishes to withdraw from the solution, we are obliged to return all of their data in a usable format.
  • The second: the customer shares the interface with the authorized trusted third party. In this case, the trusted third party agent (accountants, lawyers, etc.) must invite his client to collaborate on the platform. Axiocap is a collaborative platform that can be configured between the various authorized actors.
Can the trusted third party and/or mandatary (lawyer, accountant, etc.) rebill the cost of the Axiocap service to his client?

Yes, Axiocap is a software at the service of its professional customers that they can rebill directly or integrate into a wider service (in the same way as all IT tools). Axiocap leaves the trusted third party client and/or agent free in its choices and methods of re-invoicing.

How does Axiocap ensure data security?

The Solution has a secure digital safe certified eDocGroup, in accordance with the NF Software Certification Rules and the ISO/IEC 25051:2014 standard. This digital safe complies with the specific requirements concerning Digital Vault Components (CCFN) in part 10 of the NF Software certification rules. The Axiocap solution and the data recorded in it are stored in France and the EU, on servers based in Metropolitan France, with French service providers (OVH and Orange). The data entered on the blockchain is encrypted and only authorized persons at Axiocap can access it.

Can customizable rights levels be created per company and per register?

Yes, the solution allows a complete configuration of the accesses granted: access restricted to certain portfolio companies, to files in the safe, to registers, access times, etc. The aim is to create a real data room for the user.

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