Legal departments

Dematerialize your corporate legal obligations in full compliance!

Increase security and transparency with the dematerialization of legal formalities (legal registers, movements of shares, meetings, etc.)

Work on an all-in-one platform with personalized access management and a CCFN safe.
Découvrez les avantages pour les Legal departments
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Your legal department in the digital age

Increase efficiency

  • Register of movements of securities
  • Records of deliberations and decisions
  • Social registers
  • Etc

Fast and easy

  • Electronic invitations (ERE/LRE)
  • Electronic voting with double authentication
  • Automated attendance sheet editing
  • Dematerialized report and electronic signature

Preserve and secure

  • Optimizing collaborative document storage
  • Secure digital archiving of records and data
  • Tax and regulatory compliance ensured
  • No risk of loss over time

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Avantages pour les Legal departments.

Boost your performance in a new collaborative space: efficiency, security, profitability, dynamic image guaranteed.

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Go digital

1. Automated organization chart of all your companies

For an overview in 1 click, as well as simple and fast management!

2. Real-time visualization

• Of your companies and the formalities to be carried out. • Securities movements and capitalization table. • The organization of your meetings.

3. Optimizing collaborative storage

Of all your documents, digital and secure archiving of all your records and data, and no risk of losing documents since they are all dematerialized on a single computer medium, accessible in one click. The tool of choice for shareholder management!

Les fonctionnalités dédiées aux Legal departments

Management of securities and shares

Easily dematerialize the management of your movements!

Online assemblies and meetings

Intuitively manage all assemblies and other meetings 100% online!

Single staff register

Opt for a single dematerialized staff register: simplified management and optimized preservation!

Register of deliberations and decisions

Easily dematerialize the management of your register following your assemblies, boards and other meetings!

Customized migration

We support you in the transition from paper to dematerialization, for a smooth and hassle-free transition.

Discover our tailor-made migration offer, designed to offer you optimal flexibility! You decide what you want to migrate: whether it is all or part of your data such as companies, partners, stock movements or registers. In addition, you choose the period you want to include in the migration, whether it is the last 3 years or since the establishment of the company.

Free yourself from constraints and gain efficiency with our customized migration solution.

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Your documents are safe

collaborative safe

Secured to CCFN standards

Your data and documents are automatically archived in a smart digital safe.
A true customizable data room, collaborate with several hands on all your documents!

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Questions fréquentes des Legal departments

What is the Online Assemblies module used for?

The Online Meetings module is used to organize general meetings whose voting rights are calculated according to the capital holding of each partner or shareholder and also, any meeting of a collective administrative, supervisory or management body whose voting rights are based on the holding of seats in these bodies. This module is also suitable for assemblies and meetings based on the principle: 1 man, 1 voice.

Can a company organization chart be generated on Axiocap?

Yes, our solution allows you to automatically and dynamically generate an organization chart of all your companies. You can also export it according to your needs.

How does Axiocap use my personal data?

Axiocap's service providers are all subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) .In this sense, the processing of personal data is a priority for Axiocap, which uses service providers who are exclusively located on the territory of the European Union. ‍ A dedicated DPO takes care of the protection of Axiocap users' data. Learn more.

What are the elements that guarantee the security of dematerialized data?

The legal records mentioned can be kept and the minutes drawn up in electronic form. In this case, as provided for in the Commercial Code, the minutes are signed by means of an electronic signature that meets at least the requirements for an advanced electronic signature provided for in Article 26 of Regulation (EU) No. 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market. The minutes are dated electronically by a timestamp offering every guarantee of proof. The solution proposed by Axiocap meets the requirements mentioned above with a high guarantee of data security.

How does Axiocap ensure data security?

The Solution has a secure digital safe certified eDocGroup, in accordance with the NF Software Certification Rules and the ISO/IEC 25051:2014 standard. This digital safe complies with the specific requirements concerning Digital Vault Components (CCFN) in part 10 of the NF Software certification rules. The Axiocap solution and the data recorded in it are stored in France and the EU, on servers based in Metropolitan France, with French service providers (OVH and Orange). The data entered on the blockchain is encrypted and only authorized persons at Axiocap can access it.

In case of resumption of past movements: should the movements recorded in the securities register be certified on the Blockchain?

Yes, movements must be registered in the Shared Electronic Record Device (DEEP) - more commonly known as “blockchain”.

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